nie jest po to, by opisywał świat,
by nadawał mu sens.
Istotnego nie widać.
Jedynie sercem widzi się dobrze - St. Exupéry
Czym jest Istotne opisuje ABD-RU-SHIN w "W Świetle Prawdy"
To to czego nie widzimy, a naszemu szczęściu w życiu sprzyja:
Przesłanie od Nich:
Odnosząc się do Was
jak najtroskliwiej,
tej samej teraz wrażliwości!
o to dobro innych i Wspólnoty,
zalążkiem naszej teraz przyjaźni!
już we współpracy możemy łączyć,
nowe ugrupowania i nowe związki!
współpracy musi wzrastać!
ignorancji nie będzie już przeszkodą.
Wasze książki, ale czy też i Wy,
nasze w Waszych tu zbiorach?
ma już ograniczeń i wśród przyjaciół,
chodzi o powodzenie postępu ogółu!
też znać Wasze zamierzenia i cele,
poznać te zamiary względem innych!
☆•°*”˜˜”*°• ☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•☆
Let's Shake Up This World - Let's FLASH Our PEACE !!!
Are YOU With ME? ☆•°*”˜˜☆ Let's Bring Peace Home ☆
Let's Shake Up This World - Let's FLASH Our PEACE !!!
Are YOU With ME? ☆•°*”˜˜☆ Let's Bring Peace Home ☆
martwcie się tym, co inni mówią,
ten, kto chce żyć tu naprawdę!
chęć życia może Was zaskoczyć,
w skrajnych sytuacjach,
lecz nie zmusi Was,
Do życia
pod bezdusznymi rozkazami!
Przemoc nigdy nie jest tu wskazana!
wtedy, gdy się już odchodzi,
wolno też zatrzymywać nikogo,
też pomagać: w śmierci ich ciała,
tylko bezpośrednim związkiem,
też pośrednio: złymi tu myślami.
Dobre myśli zawsze będą pomocne!
się wzmacniać też nawzajem,
też powstanie nauka i o tym,
to robić w miarę czasu nauczania?
o wpływie energii powstania,
wymagać tej osobistej higieny,
będzie w tym i już nic dziwnego.
potrzebne jest zawsze,
uczciwie prowadzonej nauki,
A sama radość może tylko ugruntować!
Thank you Beloveds ♥ We are 5000 strong Lights ♥
~•☆•~ Divine Blessings ~•☆•~
~•☆•~ Divine Blessings ~•☆•~
już o spółdzielczości i co dziwić może,
Jak zastanawiać,
że może istnieć inna forma zapłaty,
za pracę i w ramach społecznego dzielenia,
co tak naprawdę jest w tym, dziwnego i złego?
bowiem leży, w tym sprawiedliwym podziale,
zysku, czy procentów i tej dziedzicznej własności.
indywidualny teraz postęp, dążenie i zdobywanie,
zapewnić nam prawidłowy wzrost świadomości!
to nie kiosk, ale instytucja dla kultury,
Żywa Etyka Braterstwa będzie ją stale wzmacniać!
wspólnoty w Braterstwie,
To ten
ideał, który trzeba nosić w sobie,
też klucz otwierający drzwi wszystkie,
kolejno je samemu zdobywać!
jest jeszcze droga przed nami,
nam ją jeszcze poszerza,
stale zdobi, jak ogród kwiatami,
czyni ją tu jak usłaną przeszkodami.
nikogo sam nie może tu popędzać,
da się go prowadzić i wlec za rękę,
jedynie go wspierać w potrzebie,
Tym nauczaniem
miłości i brakiem udręki.
tę można otwierać, oraz i zdobić,
kto chce ją ułatwić to nich się pyta,
tylko wyłącznie sam siebie samego,
Bo z
miłością można tylko wspomagać.
da się przeżywać życia no i za kogoś,
go jedynie wspierać w potrzebie!
wolno też wyręczać i na rękach nosić!
stwierdzisz, żeś stał się żywym trupem,
odebrano chęci do istoty sensu życia?
go dążenia i zapału do realizacji!
What happens to the people who are working on raising their vibration
and have partially done so then they pass over before they have
completed the process? Do they have to come back to 3D earth and start
all over again?
ANSWER: The soul is continuously evolving, so any knowledge gained in one life remains in the energy field and can be accessed in the one really starts all
ANSWER: The soul is continuously evolving, so any knowledge gained in one life remains in the energy field and can be accessed in the one really starts all
again ~ whatever soul knowledge is gained remains. That is why it is so
important for us to raise our vibrations ~ which means to expand our
consciousness so we can access more of the truth (LIGHT) from our higher
self. Once we transition out of the physical body, wherever our
vibrational frequency resides, is the specific level of the spiritual
dimension that we will be placed in. However, when we are in Spirit, we
are not bound by one specific location, we can travel and visit others
simply through the direction of our thoughts/energy. Like energy
attracts like energy...where we are placed in the spiritual dimension is
not a better than/less than scenario....our location is simply based on
our current level of vibrational resonance.
When we incarnate into physical form in the physical dimension ~ we have a soul contract with a specific timeline for birth and death, as well as, many opportunities during that contract to exit the physical body and move into the world of Spirit. Many of the people who are passing now have fulfilled their soul contracts. Some of these people are highly evolved souls who came to fulfill a specific mission to assist with the Earth’s ascension, and when they have fulfilled that mission, they leave and return where they came from. Oftentimes, these individuals have already ascended ~ they chose to incarnate into a physical body during this most auspicious time on Earth for a variety of reasons.....perhaps they came in to expand humanity’s consciousness, to alter genetic codes within a specific family lineage, they could have come in bringing ascension codes for the masses, they may be healers, they could be placed in governments for reform.....the reasons are endless. So just because someone has crossed over does not mean they missed out on ascension.....they may have already ascended and they came here to complete an assignment. Once their mission is complete, they release the physical body and return to their ascended state.
For those souls who were diligently working on raising their vibrations and transitioned into the spiritual dimension before their ascension process was complete will not loose their gained LIGHT/expansion of consciousness. Everything remains recorded in each individual soul’s energy field ~ both the negative and positive energies we experience. If the soul has generated karma on the Earth plane.....yes, the soul will get to return to “one” of the Earth’s MANY dimensions to balance the misqualified energy it created. However, the soul has free will and is a Creator being, so the soul ultimately gets to choose (with spiritual guidance) when and where it wants to take on a physical embodiment to continue its learning experience ~ helping it to grow closer and closer to the Creator Of All That Is.
~ Sabrina
When we incarnate into physical form in the physical dimension ~ we have a soul contract with a specific timeline for birth and death, as well as, many opportunities during that contract to exit the physical body and move into the world of Spirit. Many of the people who are passing now have fulfilled their soul contracts. Some of these people are highly evolved souls who came to fulfill a specific mission to assist with the Earth’s ascension, and when they have fulfilled that mission, they leave and return where they came from. Oftentimes, these individuals have already ascended ~ they chose to incarnate into a physical body during this most auspicious time on Earth for a variety of reasons.....perhaps they came in to expand humanity’s consciousness, to alter genetic codes within a specific family lineage, they could have come in bringing ascension codes for the masses, they may be healers, they could be placed in governments for reform.....the reasons are endless. So just because someone has crossed over does not mean they missed out on ascension.....they may have already ascended and they came here to complete an assignment. Once their mission is complete, they release the physical body and return to their ascended state.
For those souls who were diligently working on raising their vibrations and transitioned into the spiritual dimension before their ascension process was complete will not loose their gained LIGHT/expansion of consciousness. Everything remains recorded in each individual soul’s energy field ~ both the negative and positive energies we experience. If the soul has generated karma on the Earth plane.....yes, the soul will get to return to “one” of the Earth’s MANY dimensions to balance the misqualified energy it created. However, the soul has free will and is a Creator being, so the soul ultimately gets to choose (with spiritual guidance) when and where it wants to take on a physical embodiment to continue its learning experience ~ helping it to grow closer and closer to the Creator Of All That Is.
~ Sabrina
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