
piątek, 11 lutego 2022

Tchnienie Miłości i Światła dla każdego



I heard Archangel Michael give an analogy once, to see ourselves filling with Love, balloons of Love, and that each balloon has a pinprick with a slow steady stream of LOVE leaving all the time for everyOne. . .

LOVE is emerald green, and green is blue and yellow, PEACE and JOY. . . water energy and the sunLight, that our breath is both moisture/water Mother Love and sunLight, the Light of the Father. . .

Archangel Jophiel says everyOne is AWESOME, full of wonder, innocence and purity, so our balloons are filled with AWE, too – everyOne’s.

I Love that the pinprick of Love, slowly streaming out of us, is for everyOne. . . that Love doesn’t discern between a beloved child and a “hated” leader. . . the streaming Love is for EveryOne. . .

Jesus taught us fortitude is not about being right, that that return to the heart is knowing there is no difference between the Heart of One and our heart; in the Heart of One there is equal Love for the Father and the Mother Dad and MomeveryOne.

Lao Tzu in his teaching of humility reminded us we don’t want to emanate I’m holier than thou; we have played many roles on Earth, many many lifetimes – victim, perpetrator, everything in between – and with humility we see value of self, that our Ascension is to extend LOVE to everyOne.

The Buddha taught us we have “thousands of opportunities every day to practice compassion with yourself and with others.”

What do we do thousands of times a day?

We take 17 – 30,000 breaths.

And we have 50 – 70,000 thoughts.

The Buddha recommended we hold the higher vision while taking sensible action going forward, not contributing to the chaos and the mayhem, but holding the higher vision.

And finally, the Divine Mother tells us:

“Many of you are still looking to the external signs — yes they are guideposts — but sweet ones the truth of your progress, of your Ascension, of your movement, is from within.


I invite you to come join
Sending Love on Mondays
& the Divine Quality Series on Wednesdays
Zoom links on GAoG and VoF.
All by donation.

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