
sobota, 1 grudnia 2012

Nie bój się..

Święta oraz ten ich uroczysty nastrój,
To nie czas bezmyślnej bezczynności,
Zwolnienia od jego odpowiedzialności,
Z powtarzaniem i niepotrzebnych słów.

Bo winne one być napięciem psi energii,
Wzniosłym ofiarowaniem >best< uczuć!
           Wtedy będą tym wejściem do Bramy!

“The One and the All. Mingle and move without discriminating. Live in this awareness and you'll stop worrying about not being perfect.” 

- @[110977642287001:274:Seng Ts'an]
~artwork by Lei Sheng
“The One and the All. Mingle and move without discriminating. 
Live in this awareness and you'll stop worrying about not being perfect.”

- Seng Ts'an
~artwork by Lei Sheng

Świadomy też powinien wiedzieć o wiecznym ruchu,
Trzeba uczyć młodych i o niepowtarzalności zjawisk,
O oddziaływaniu wpływów prądów przestrzennych,
Taką rzeczywistość otaczającej materialnych rzeczy,
Doznawanie tych uczuć i prądów nie od niej zależy!

Trzeba za tą względną rzeczy dostrzec rzeczywistość,
Nie może przeszkadzać bezruch tego co nas otacza!

Każdy inżynier też wie co porusza tłoki i dźwignie,
A gdy dochodzi do mięśni trudniej mu już przyjąć,
O jaką energię psychiczną myśli i wolę też chodzi,
To wolna wola porusza mięśnie za pomocą energii,
            Niezależnie, czy to atletów, czy też hatha joginów!

"To use your head, you have to go out of your mind."
-Timothy Leary
~artwork: "Breakthrough" by C.R. Johnson
‎"To use your head, you have to go out of your mind."
-Timothy Leary
~artwork: "Breakthrough" by C.R. Johnson

Pamiętam też z tych ksiąg Agni Jogi dotyczącej nauki,
Jak i o zasobie również pojemności naszego umysłu,
I o tych z nas pragnących odpowiedzi od pustelnika,
Który opowiadając cały czas napełniał wodą kubek,
Nie przerywając, a nawet wtedy, kiedy się przelewał,
Dając tym samym pragnącemu zarazem i odpowiedź,
By następnym razem przyszedł z większym kubkiem!

Bo nikt nie jest w stanie przyjąć wiedzy więcej niż może!
Ale i też i z nadzieją, że ponownie przyjdzie już gotowy!

Nie należy nam unikać tych rozważań,
Po niezrozumiałych przyjdą i te dobre,
Nawet te tu zapisane dawno w Biblii,
Nie można pomijać i ich odpowiedzi,
Unikając niezrozumiałych fragmentów!

Niech zmieniają się one jak tej rzeki prądy!
Wszystkie one stanowią teraz części całości!
"According to the Mayan Calendar the 21st of December marks the end of the non-time & the beginning of time." ~ Evo Morales

Evo Morales - President of Bolivia at the UN General Assembly 67th Session ~ Sep 2012 
excerpt from an English translation of his speech :: 
Natural resources oil, gas, are they public or private?...
my recommendation brothers & sisters is nationalized recovery of natural resources. Natural resources can not belong to the transnationals [corporations], they belong to the people of the world under state administration... we guaranteed basic services as basic human rights - they can not be in private hands - it is a task for the state. Light, water, electricity, communications - we nationalized them & turned them into human rights. It is so important for these basic services to be human rights...

I wish to invite you to an international meeting on 21st of December this year. An invitation to receive the new cycle, a cycle of harmony for mother earth. It would take too long to tell you about the knowledge of our indigenous brothers in Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia, Ecuador, but we are issuing this invitation to hold a virtual debate and also in person on the following topics:
1. Global crisis of capitalism
2. Crisis of civilization - world government, capitalism, socialism, community, culture of life.
3. Climate crisis - Relationship of the human being with nature
4. Energy - community energy - energy of change
5. Awareness of Mother Earth
6. Recovery of ancestral customs..., natural cosmic calendar,
7. Living well as a solution to the global crisis because we affirm once again that to live better, we can only live better by not plundering our natural resources. This is a profound debate that i would like to have with the rest of the world.
8. Food sovereignty - security with food sovereignty
9. Integration, brotherhood, community, economy, complementarity, right to communication,
community learning, the new human being, a holistic approach, the end of patriarchy, self knowledge, awakening, and of course health - which is so important.

-And I would like to say that according to the Mayan Calendar the 21st of December marks the end of the non-time and the beginning of time. It is the end of the Macha & the beginning of the Pacha. It is the end of selfishness & the beginning of brotherhood. It is the end of individualism & the beginning of collectivism... the 21st of December this year.

-The scientists know very well that this marks the end of an anthropocentric life and the beginning of a biocentric life. It is the end of hatred & the beginning of love. The end of lies & the beginning of truth. It is the end of sadness & the beginning of joy. It is the end of division & the beginning of unity. This is a theme to be developed, that is why... we invite you, those who bet on mankind, we invite those who want to share their instances for the good of mankind...

-We have an obligation as delegates... we have to think about how to shoulder the responsibilities and this means... putting an end to powers - we are not at a time of continuing to praise the powers.
We are at the time of people, at a time to free people, to constantly look for economic & social equality among all persons. This is the time to bring dignity to all inhabitants...
-I wish to commend the statements which questioned interventionism, military bases & troops. There will only be social peace when we change these economic policies and put an end to military bases and interventionism.
My respect goes to those who resist the military intervention of powers. That is not a solution, that is something we have learned. That is why we hope that these debates will serve to think about life & about humanity.
Excerpted from an English translation from the last ~7 mins of Bolivian President Evo Morale's speech

English Translation:

‎"According to the Mayan Calendar the 21st of December marks the end of the non-time & the beginning of time." ~ Evo Morales
  • "When a wise one speaks, it is not to convince the incredulous. They do it to guide and awaken the consciousness of those that follow the path towards consciousness. Their words are not only for intellectual debate or for the nourishment of the spirit. In actuality, the spirituality of these prophetic times are not limited to contemplation and meditation. Today spirituality is synonymous with action; and action is every act of your life, in harmony with Mother Nature, and most importantly the harmony within ourselves, and in relation to the way in which we live."

-Don Pascual, Wise elder of the Mam Maya
~ artwork: "Xochipilli: The Flowering Dream" by @[291258350912763:274:David Cody Evans - Visionary & Sacred Art]

The original article may be viewed at:
    ‎"When a wise one speaks, it is not to convince the incredulous. They do it to guide and awaken the consciousness of those that follow the path towards consciou
    sness. Their words are not only for intellectual debate or for the nourishment of the spirit. In actuality, the spirituality of these prophetic times are not limited to contemplation and meditation. Today spirituality is synonymous with action; and action is every act of your life, in harmony with Mother Nature, and most importantly the harmony within ourselves, and in relation to the way in which we live."

    -Don Pascual, Wise elder of the Mam Maya
    ~ artwork: "Xochipilli: The Flowering Dream" by David Cody Evans - Visionary & Sacred Art

    The original article may be viewed at:

    ‎" I saw my Lord with the eye of my heart, and I said: Who art Thou? He said: Thou"

    Al- Hallaj

    “Eclipse” by TARstudios

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