
czwartek, 19 lipca 2012

Lekarstwo na strach

 Never Mind

- Someone spoke ill of you...never mind, they did not know better. 

It still is an opportunity to look deeper within :)
- Someone did not help you when you "expected" help….never mind; 

you did not really need "their" help, for something better was coming :)
- Someone promised you something and yet did not fulfill their promise..

.never mind; they needed the resource of time or something else more; 
you were able to find yet another untapped resource :)
Never mind the "stuff" you face on a day to day basis; it is all for a Higher Purpose. 

Believe something better is to come and become stronger as a result. 
In the end you are the winner no matter what; you just need to BELIEVE in yourself:)
 ~ By Umang Goel

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