
wtorek, 10 lipca 2012


Astrology Trivia ♥

DID you know Planets in the sky and most important in your BIRTH CHART have jobs?

THE SUN - Your ego structure the chairman of your board, in the sky now in Cancer (healthy self care).

THE MOON - Your personal life how you feel and past lives. Changes every 2 days.

MERCURY - Your mental life and how you speak, write and teach. Now in Leo going retrograde in August.

VENUS - Your love nature love of everything, work, what you like, in Gemini moving direct on 6/27 forward.

MARS - Your energy and how you go about getting what Venus wants has been in Virgo since 11/2011 and moves to Libra on the full moon July 3rd.

JUPITER - Your values and this planet wants to EXPAND your values just moved to Gemini wanting you to find OPTIONS and new ideas.

SATURN - Your obligations, duty and karma and responsibility just moved direct, in Libra moving 10/5 to Scorpio.

URANUS - Your search for freedom, in Aries Making a rough aspect with Pluto in Capricorn (OCCUPY Movements within and without).

NEPTUNE - Your spiritual aspirations and ideals or addictions, in Pisces sitting with Chiron the wounded healer.

PLUTO - Your need for fundamental change and soul growth In Capricorn making nasty with Uranus in Aries.

NORTH NODE - Your life is building and growing here in Sagittarius. Moving 8/31 to Scorpio.

SOUTH NODE - Where you have been before and Know how to do in Gemini. Moving 8/31 to Taurus.

CHIRON - Your ability to heal and be a healer, in Pisces with Neptune.

~ Carol Barbeau

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